Skytown is the only co-operative schools in the Bay Area that offers both a toddler program and a preschool program.  We offer play-based, emergent curriculum and a part-time schedule.

Skytown’s preschool classroom has a mixed-age class of children aged 3 to 5.

Skytown’s preschool classroom has a mixed-age class of children aged 2 to 5.

Preschool Program (2.5 to 5 years)

Skytown’s preschool classroom is big and bright, with many different areas to explore. Every day there are new activities to intrigue and challenge preschoolers of all ages. Activities are designed to be multifaceted, so that children at a younger developmental stage can be just as absorbed, though learning different skills, as those getting ready to enter Kindergarten. For most of the day, children may move at will between indoor and outdoor activities, and from project to project as their learning style directs them.

  • Open to children aged 2.5 years to kindergarten-ready.

  • Enrollment limited to 24 children per day, under the direct supervision of a Teacher and assisted by member parents.

  • Program hours from 9:00am to 1:00pm Monday through Friday.

  • Children may attend 3, 4, or 5 days per week.

  • Parent participation is approximately 1 day for every 4 days of scheduled attendance. You can find an example of a year's monthly participation requirement here.

Our toddlers have their own separate classroom and enclosed play yard.

Our toddlers have their own separate classroom and enclosed play yard.

Toddler Program (18 months-2.5 years)

Skytown Preschool offers the only licensed cooperative toddler program in the state of California. It is an intimate setting for children 18 months to 3 years old with a ratio of one adult for every three children. The Toddler Program  has a separate classroom with furniture and activities appropriate to toddlers.

  • Open to children aged 18 months to 2.5 years.

  • Enrollment limited to 12 children per day under the direct supervision of the Lead Teacher and member parents.

  • Program hours from 9:00am to 1:00pm Monday through Thursday.

  • Children may attend 3 or 4 days per week.

  • Parent participation is approximately 1 day for every 3 days of scheduled attendance. You can find an example of a year's monthly participation requirement here.

We understand that all children learn and develop at their own pace. We are happy to assist each child in his or her toilet-learning process.
— Skytown Preschool